​Ben S.r.l. is an independent company, bio- and immuno-chemical technology-based. The owners started in Milan - Italy in 1987 and they are the same ones today. The activity is focused on the research, development, production, and sale of Biochemical, Immunochemical and Chemical Reagents for Laboratories of Analysis, mainly Clinical Analysis.
The commitment to the competition on the global market enabled us to gain excellent performances. By continuous innovations in production and analysis methods we became rapidly one of the manufacturer leaders in Europe for many of our products, and we went into the niche markets as referential suppliers.
Among our customers there are Pharmaceutical and Bio-Technological Industries, Veterinarian and Diagnostic ones, operating in IVD (In Vitro Diagnostic) market.
The Research & Development department is Ben's heart and propelling engine, and allows Us to offer to the customers new reagents, special products on request and applications on the most common automatic analyzers. All our products are available on OEM base (distributed in vials, not labeled, not packaged) or as well-composed kit, also customized with private labels.